Thursday, November 09, 2006

Lazy Blogger

Well ok. I am only partially a lazy blogger. The other part is that I no longer have the internet at my house. :( I guess that is kind of good though since it leaves me with more time to knit. I am trying to get my life together and even thought I have 24/7 to knit, I end up laying around the house trying to figure out what to do with my life. I guess I am getting to the point in life where I have to grow up and start living my life but all the things that I would like to do are just beyond my reach. But I am working on it. Anyway.
My christmas list:
FIL-scarf-95% done
MIL-napkins (hand embroidered)-0% done
BIL-hat-0% done
Nephew-hat-100% done
Daddy-scarf-10% done
Mom-??????-obviously not done
Niece-Barbie clothes?-0% done

Ok now that I have made this list I realize that I am not NEAR done enough with my gifts and here it is November already. Well the hat that I am making for my brother in law (he will be 16 right after Christmas) is a simple pattern and I can finish it in a day EASY. I am getting a patch to put on the front of it of his favorite band (if I can find one!!!). I want to knit a scarf for my mom that in OU colors and stitch OU on it. But I don't know. I am having issues coming up with a pattern for it. I would like to make one that has a pocket on it, but I can't find a pattern that I like. We will see. I have yarn that would work great for it though. Um. I am still looking for the napkins that I want to embroider for my mother in law. Once I find the napkins it will take me almost no time to do them (I hope). As for my brother and sister in law.....I don't know. I would like to get them something that they will like, but I just don't know what to get them. I found a book on knitted barbie clothes that I would like to get for my niece but I don't know if I will be able to get the book in time. As for my hubby. I really want to set up a workshop in our shed for him. I want to build a workbench and everything. But I don't know if that will happen. Since I haven't had any income since the end of August, I don't see how I will be able to afford lumber to build the bench. I am going to do my best though. And I am making a special little treat for my "needle pusher" girls. Nothing big. But I think it will be kinda cool. I need to post pictures soon but I will have to wait until I remember to burn a photo disk while I am actually at home.
Oh and finally I am thinking about spinning my own yarn. I really want a wheel for my birthday, though I don't know how I am going to come up with the money for it, and I want to start spinning more so I can sell it online. We will see how this works out. It may just be a dream that will never come true. I am pretty used to that kind of disapointment though so I don't worry too much about it.
I turn 24 three weeks from today. So hopefully I will be able to blog soon that I am getting a wheel. If anyone wants to donate money to the cause....;)